Income From Your Site

Sunday, April 7, 2013 is a country-specific social news network. Social media users from each country curate and share trending local news, videos, social causes, and get paid when they broadcast relevant advertiser-sponsored content.

Follow The News
Follow only the stories you care about. When there are updates to these stories, we’ll let you know. Never miss out on what the country’s talking about. Follow the news right now.

 Build Your Social Reputation
Have you ever wondered how many people click on the links you shared? Know and grow your influence! Add opinions and news sources to help others discover your contributions.

Share Premium 
Content Spread the word about the coolest new things. Events, movies, gigs, promos, videos, prizes – you’ll be the first to know, and the first to share. And, you’ll even get paid up to RM10 each time.


 "Life is about the people you meet, and what you create with them. We’ve come together to create the future, one great product at a time."

Product & Technology Social technology is at the heart of SAYS. And while people predict geeks to rule the world, it seems the geeks here play an important role, too. From Ruby on Rails to whiteboard markers, they use technology and design thinking, to transform raw ideas into user experiences, scalable systems, and the app that is

Account Management Behind each client, there are brands with unique needs and ongoing advertising campaigns which come together as an account – the lifeblood of SAYS.Our account development teams consist of creative conversation strategists and detail-oriented account managers. Everyday, they collaborate with media agencies, creative agencies, and client teams across the country to help each and every ad campaign connect with the social media generation.

Campaign Performance In the past year, our campaign performance team has monitored and optimized almost a thousand social media advertising campaigns, making them subject experts (whether they like it or not). It is this team which works with the account management teams to make sure every ad campaign exceeds the client’s expectations – and delivers our promise of pay for performance people-powered advertising solutions.

Community Growth Every person who joins SAYS is an opportunity for us to connect, excite, and reward them for contributing to the people powered news network that is SAYS. Using weapons of mass communication like Facebook, Twitter, blogs, email, and even the phone, we work with Malaysians in our community to solve problems, generate ideas, and grow our userbase in each country.

Earnings FAQ: 

1. How do I earn on SAYS?

Select a Specials and click on the Broadcast button. Earn reward for every unique visit (U.V.) you get when you share on Facebook, Twitter, etc. with your unique URL.

 2. When can I cash out money?

As soon as you earn PhP500, you’ll see a Cash Out button on your Dashboard. You can request for a cash out by filling in the form.
3. How will I get my earnings?

Complete the Cash Out form with your local bank details. We’ll transfer your earnings directly to your bank in 20-30 days.

We Follow the Broadcaster's 3 Golden Rules

1. Only share what you care about.Choose only the news and videos you personally love and enjoy!

2. Add a meaningful message.When sharing something, be creative and write a relevant message to friends. 

3. Share on multiple platforms.Your friends might relate to you differently on chat, email, Twitter, blogs and Facebook



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